The Manifest Function Of Education

The manifest function of education is to manifest God’s will for the salvation of those chosen by Christ. Education empowers and enables us to become aware of our sin nature and to work out a way to overcome it. We learn to see the Word of God as a way of life, to avoid its temptations and to follow Him in both word and action.

Knowledge facilitates discernment, clarifies, expands, and evaluates our experiences both individually and collectively. Knowledge enables us to grow in wisdom and stature; we grow in love and compassion. Knowledge opens a door to our possibilities. Knowledge is the bridge that brings us to our destiny.

Knowledge facilitates intimacy and commitment. Knowledge brings to the surface the choices that we have made in life. Knowledge is the basis for living a life of purpose and principle. Knowledge makes life meaningful. Knowledge makes our dreams come true.

Manifest Function Of Education

The manifest function of education is to manifest God’s will for our salvation. When we go to school, we are joining forces with all those who have gone before us and with the whole world, which seek to fulfill God’s will through us. There is a special thrill in being a child of God; there is a sense of excitement and fulfillment as we take on our role as vessels, carrying His divine life within us. When I read the accounts of the early Christians and their victory over false philosophies; when I hear of their renunciation of material gain; when I consider how they willingly gave their all for the sake of their fellow man, then I understand this manifest function of education. They went forth, confident that what they were doing was working for them and God.

If you are wondering about how you can use this manifest function of education, start by asking yourself how you can do something that is pleasurable to you, such as learning a new language or playing a musical instrument. Then ask yourself how you can channel your joy and gain fulfillment from it. For example, if you feel very happy about learning to speak Spanish, then begin to learn the language. You can also choose to pursue a musical career; you could make music as a profession or perhaps as an instrument specialist.

If you are still unsure about how you can use your manifest function of education, then ask God to help you. Ask him for your goals and desires. If you believe He is able and willing to do so, then be bold and take advantage of that love and power he already possesses in you. Tell Him all your dreams and desires. If He is pleased with you, He will bless you with a manifestation in this way, where you will shine in all ways, helping all to grow and prosper in this world and beyond.

Pro Educator

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