How One Girl Changed The World

How One Girl stood up for education and changed the world. Her courage inspires us all. Malala Yousafzai is only ten this year but she has already changed the world’s view on education for all children around the world. When the Taliban seized her village, they said music was an act of terrorism. They said girls were not allowed to go out to the marketplace.

They even said that girls should not go to school. That is why Malala’s courage inspires us all. She did not let them kill her.

In her words, “I am Malala, I am from Africa and I don’t belong to any country. Whoever will kill me will not get me to heaven.”

If this young woman had been around when other people’s lives were taken by terrorists, she would most likely be dead. She took on a different role; she preached against terrorism and she made it known that young girls should have the right to continue their educations. She did not care about her life, what she did mattered. This is what leadership is all about. She showed us that people can fight for what is right.

It is never too late to teach our kids the value of education. We must fight the corruption in our nation and make sure that each and every child have the opportunity to have a better life. The money is just as important as education, though. A family that can’t afford to send their child to a college can at least give the child a chance if they have the desire and drive to do so.

Of course, it was not long before she found her calling and became a leader of the peaceful resistance movement. She showed the world that she had the courage to fight for the values she believed in and she changed the minds of many more people than just her own. Now they know more about the value of education and they are ready to act when it is time. They see what one girl stood up for education and it has changed the way we look at the world.

When a nation is willing to educate its children, they can go far in the world. One girl stood up for education and changed the world. There is no reason why children should not follow their dreams. Education should be a right and any parent that does not support their child’s right to an education should not be in office. Every child deserves to have the best and the brightest beamed all over them. It is time to give our children the chance to make the world a better place and make America a stronger and more perfect nation.

Pro Educator

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